Jumat, 29 Juni 2018

UMC - создание и управление платным контентом и интеллектуальной рекламой

Image result for umc bounty

В этой статье мы обсудим потенциал рынка, который появится в нем. В заключение из обзора будут рассмотрены возможности и важность платформы UMC, а также роль, которую в ней будут играть блокирующие технологии, и на каком этапе находится проект.

Украинский гражданин UMC (Ukraine Mobile Communications), который работает до 2010 года, но проект называется Universal Marketing Company (UMC) и не предназначен для мобильной связи, а также в сфере маркетинга, рекламы и SMM в обмен мгновенными сообщениями.

Что такое UMC?

Universal Marketing Company (UMC) - это платформа для создания и управления платным контентом и интеллектуальной рекламой в мессенджерах, инструментах и ​​возможностях, направленных на оптимизацию и сокращение затраченных ресурсов и времени на управление и продвижение этого контента. Реализация функций платформы будет осуществляться с использованием искусственного интеллекта с использованием технологии блокировки.

Платформа Universal Marketing Company (UMC), основанная на искусственном интеллекте, предназначена для управления платным контентом и создания объявлений SMART в режиме мгновенного обмена сообщениями. В частности, в качестве агрегатора платформы UMC была создана для снижения затрат на управление, управление и продвижение медиа-сетей в мессенджерах.

Первым мессенджером с UMC для оплаты контента является Telegram. Выбор платформы ясен, потому что Telegram во всем мире является символом свободы, независимости и децентрализации, символом криптоиндустрии. Платформа UMC обеспечивает наиболее эффективное управление всеми типами контента для создания правильной информации, которая может удовлетворить все потребности аудитории.

Еще одна очень интересная особенность этой платформы - встроенный кошелек, в котором вы можете хранить криптовалютность, а также встроенный обменник, с помощью которого пользователи могут приобрести внутренний токен для фондов Fiat и других криптоконверсий.

Платформа UMC технически включает в себя разделы сервера, которые определяют всю рабочую логику, интерфейсы для взаимодействия с пользователями и интерфейс с партнерами по платформе.

Фронтальный блок Это включает в себя два компонента:

Посланники существуют как основной интерфейс для работы с платформой. Планируйте применять набор ботов, каждый будет работать со своим собственным посланником.

WEB-платформа - это агрегатор функций различных мессенджеров-ботов. Это также централизованный инструмент для настройки функциональности платформы UMC, в том числе, если некоторые мессенджеры не предоставляют ботов. В настоящее время план работы проекта включает автоматизацию работы со следующими мессенджерами: разработан прототип работы, WeChat, WhatsApp, Viber, Line, Kakaotalk, Snapchat, Weibo, Instagram, Vkontakte, Facebook messenger, Twitter, Ozone и другие.

Разъемы Messenger - Каждый мессенджер имеет свой собственный набор функций и правил. Чтобы интегрировать его во всю экосистему, каждый мессенджер будет написан с собственным коннектором, который изменит логику всех экосистем в логику работы каждого посланника и вернется.

Двигатель BOT. Ядро функции бота и интеграция с сердечником для всех частей Back-End Block.

Image result for umc bounty

Процессор обработки платежей - модуль обработки платежей для пользователей платформы. Этот модуль будет работать с интеграцией с соединителем платежных услуг для доступа к различным системам оплаты и криптообмена.

3RD party API - модуль, который позволит партнерским сервисам интегрироваться с нашей платформой. Сторонние разработчики ботов будут использовать наши API, которые разработаны, чтобы появиться на нашем рынке BOT, а также использовать наш процесс оплаты.

Большое хранилище данных - база данных для сбора, хранения и анализа больших объемов данных. Метрики для различных измерений эффективности последействия, зрелости канала, сегментации пользователей и каналов и т. Д. Будет собираться для дальнейших аналитических отчетов, а также использоваться для обучения алгоритмов искусственного интеллекта в Механике искусственного интеллекта.

Механизм искусственного интеллекта - суть системы искусственного интеллекта, чтобы создать оптимальную и взаимовыгодную стратегию взаимодействия пользователей платформы. Это будет набор алгоритмов искусственного интеллекта, которые выполняют различные задачи, начиная от интеллектуальных чат-ботов, которые могут поддерживать диалог с пользователями платформы и изучать их собственные, дополняя «умные» рекомендации для пользователей платформы о размещении рекламных кампаний.

Коннектор платежных услуг - соединитель для различных услуг приема платежей, таких как fiat (Epayments и т. Д.) И криптовалюта (Binance, Bittex и т. Д.). Чтобы интегрировать его в экосистему в целом, каждая платежная услуга будет написана с помощью своего собственного соединителя, что изменит логику работы и данных между Процессором платежа и третьим платежным сервисом.

Знаки продаж

Токен - UMCC
Частный Сейл - январь-июнь 2018 года
Пред-Салем - июль 2018 года
Токен-Салем - август 2018 года
Цена Token - $ 0.1019
Минимальная сумма затрат - 6 255 241 долл. США
Максимальная сумма платежа - 22,550.000 долларов США
500 000 000 UMCC

Распределение токенов:

64% - продажи
14% - команда
5% - советники
5% - маркетинг
2% - бонус и
10% воздушных капель

Ток UMCC (созданный в блоке Ethtereum) станет единственным внутренним платежным инструментом на платформе UMC. Эти жетоны можно приобрести на всех этапах ICO, в обмен на их листинг или на внутренний обменник. Платформа выведет процент от всех транзакций, и в конце каждого квартала 100% чистой прибыли будет отправлено на покупку токенов UMCC по рыночным ценам на внешних биржах. Приобретенные жетоны будут сожжены, а ценовой план с сокращением выбросов увеличится.





Для получения подробной информации о UMC:

Веб-сайт: https://umccoin.io
Техническая документация: https://umccoin.io/files/whitepaper.pdf
Телеграмма: https://t.me/UMC_community_RU
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/
Slack: https://umctechnologies.slack.com

Мой ETH: 0xa36158633d61F5365802Cf0d324De75150d4Ea6b

Senin, 25 Juni 2018

MAESTRO - The digital music platform of the technological revolution of blockchain

About MAESTRO with arisa.model

Maestro is building a new decentralized ecosystem for the creators and audience of the music industry. By eliminating unnecessary third parties who currently account for 40% of the revenue generated, the artists will get the benefits they deserve; listeners will enjoy music at a lower cost.

To maximize profits for artists and minimize burdens for consumers, Maestro uses EOS.IO-based blockchain that does not require individual transaction costs from users. The cost of blockchain is charged to the developer using EOS.IO. No fees other than coins paid to developers.

Maestro's goal is to decentralize all areas of service. The Maestro team has reviewed the technology to implement file transmission, streaming, and other functions using a distributed server. The Maestro system will use a distributed server system called IPFS (The InterPlanetary File System) to transmit streaming files. IPFS is a distributed file system that uses a structure to connect computers to the same file system.

Music defines our life and our mood. It is a source of inspiration and also a friend who is always there for us. Mobile and the Internet has spawned a new set of music streaming apps that are always with us. This industry is more than a complex entity that always wants to make big profits, although most of the profits do not go into the people who produce it. Independent musicians face discrimination and loud though there are many great digital platforms. Although this digital platform has enabled the careers of many famous musicians today, they have several disadvantages.

The Internet has turned the world into an audience. However, the centralization of streaming services poses a greater risk to artists and writers. Payment to the author is not fully paid and exact. Violation of intellectual property rights has become a widespread phenomenon in the industry. Piracy of music in the digital world is another challenge for the music industry. The need to create a better platform with reliable technology has become a necessity for the continuity of the music industry. Artists, producers, and listeners need a new foundation to play their part in the industry.

MAESTRO is developing a decentralized streaming music platform based on blockchain technology. They also started a crowdfunding platform called ENSEMBLE for artists who want to make great music. People can help their favorite artists on the platform. To remove intermediaries from the music industry, they have launched two major products; the first is ENSEMBLE and the second is SYMPHONY. While ENSEMBLE helps artists to fund their projects, SYMPHONY enables the distribution of music and the maintenance of intellectual property rights.

Ensemble - This will provide artists with safe, transparent and direct fundraising methods for new or existing projects. The fans who contribute to the project, on the other hand, will be able to directly engage with the creative process of their favorite artist. Maestro believes that such an ecosystem will benefit both sides and open new frontiers for artist-audience relationships.

Symphony - It will serve the world music industry with a fair and efficient distribution system. The creators, on the one hand, will be able to take the rightful share of the benefits they deserve. Consumers, on the other hand, will enjoy the same streaming music service and seamlessly at a cheaper cost. Supported by the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) that will work on EOS networks, Symphony will deliver high quality music with just a touch of a finger.

High quality music is created by independent artists and artists, supported by people who share the same passion. This will be a collaboration made possible by blockchain technology. The Smart Contract will be used to create all the necessary conditions for the proper distribution and operation of the music industry. Loyalty and referral programs exist in the system to enable the introduction of this new platform.

Maestros are also allocated with platform advantages based on the number of tokens we hold. The portion of this allocated tokens will be used to purchase and store EOS coins to ensure the smooth running of the Maestro system, which leads to the maintenance and improvement of service quality. Maestro will further enhance the Maestro system, according to the development stage of EOS.IO.


1,000,000,000 MAE tokens will be created for the project, with 62% of tokens reserved for public sale. 40% of the funds are used for software development, while 25% of funds are spent on marketing and business development. The team working on this platform is experienced and committed to developing the best applications for the music industry.


The Maestro team is already working on the project, and there is a 500 million KRW financing. Therefore, no soft caps are installed, and the project will act regardless of whether the hard cap will be achieved or not. After the second ICO, there will be no additional tokens.

To contribute and learn about the progress of this campaign, you can visit some of the following links:

-Website: https://maestroproject.io/

-Whitepaper: https://maestroproject.io/?lang=id#whitepaper

-Telegram: https://t.me/maestroico

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaestroProject1

My ETH: 0xa36158633d61F5365802Cf0d324De75150d4Ea6b

Kamis, 21 Juni 2018

FTEC - an effective trading ecosystem

Digital Currencies and technological advances in blockchain have seen more people use the opportunity to invest rather than spend. In this aspect, there are many platforms that have been created and some cryptocurrencies have been developed; it is still difficult to find a platform that combines artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency.

FTEC is an intelligent services ecosystem and neural network to conduct effective trading activities in the digital currency market. The FTEC platform allows market participants. FTEC creates a new ecosystem for cryptocurrency trading. They combine neural networks and intelligent services to enable traders to have an effective strategy for trading crypto currencies.

In FTEC's success is a guarantee because the platform will help in ensuring the necessary tools are provided in the field for traders to utilize and ensure smooth offerings in cryptocurrency. The developers come with 15 service points that will help to build the FTEC platform.

The project has a complex development strategy, which depends on the amount of funds collected during ICO activities

FTEK offers intelligent trading systems that can be traded automatically using test algorithms. A user can choose one of the smart trading modules and choose the limits of trade and exchange. Then, with API key connections, the module puts the trade based on the selected algorithm.

The automated trading solution offered by FTEC will face competition in the market, but will successfully develop and promote its products through a strong team and successful marketing. On the other hand, these products have a significant advantage over competitors, as they are not limited to one service, but offer systems developed to support cryptographic trade.

FTEC Partners


FTEC is a token that will be used as an ERC-20 based platform utility under the intelligent Ethereal contract system. A total of 998.4 million FTECs will be released, and will be distributed as follows
10% Pre-Sales
75% for Token Sales
7% for Team
3% for Bounty
3% for Counselor
2% for AirDrop

Here are the details of the token details

Type ERC20
PreICO0.01 ETH = 293
FTEC price at ICO0,01 ETH = 182 FTEC
pre-sale begins 11/4/2018 sd 08/05/2018
ICO begins 29/05/2018 sd 21/06/2018
Min. investment0,1 ETH
Distributed in ICO 85%
Soft Cap 2000 ETH
Hard Cap 55.000 ETH
During the ICO period, unsold tokens will be burned, and if the soft cap target is not reached, all funds will be returned automatically.


A strong and highly qualified team, which I think is capable of bringing the project to the highest level in the shortest time possible and I hope they succeed. The team includes large specialists from various industries with years of experience. With the main participants you can see on the official website, there you will also find links to their personal accounts on social networks.



Information about the FTEC project:

My ETH: 0xa36158633d61F5365802Cf0d324De75150d4Ea6b

Media FTEC

Senin, 18 Juni 2018


Image result for Horizon bounty


Different levels of economic development in totally different areas have resulted in various levels of web usage. Communication is the ultimate goal of all human relationships. But we tend to be the most misunderstood creatures. We have made many ways for communication between each other. Mobile adoption and the use of broadband and Wi-Fi network services added are two positive signs for web use accrued in the region.


Horizon Communications is a new wireless internet company that will start operations in Bermuda first, and expand to more Caribbean regions. They will offer services using LTE wireless technology to provide internet speeds up to 150 mbps, VOIP phone offerings, and high definition TV services. The goal is to provide access to great services for customers currently using overpriced and poor quality services.

Horizon estimates that their service coverage will include ninety-five percent of homes in Bermuda with minimal tower usage. Offshore coverage may be up to fifteen miles offshore. The marketing plan in four or five years is to get at least fifteen percent of the market in Bermuda. The goal is to generate a total income of around forty-four million in five years at a cost of about twenty-six million.

Horizon will have exclusive rights to use its technology in the region. By using more efficient technology, they will be able to provide lower prices and become more competitive in the market. Horizon uses what is called fixed wireless technology. Fix means access is provided using radio waves to a single location. This means that there is no need for expensive telephone and cable cables to install. Houses that use this service will have an antenna mounted on the outside of the house. The Horizon 4G LTE equipment will be capable of delivering speeds of up to 300 Mbps. They want to build the most reliable network possible.


Fixed Wireless Network known as LTE is being deployed by the company to produce high-speed information to island individuals. A completely different sales method is used to collect customers in the region. They need to be closely regulated for long-term development and project growth. They perform continuous analysis of towers and network elements to realize most of the world's protecting. ICO is one of many ways to fund platform events.

Horizon will also utilize blockchain technology in several different ways. They will have their own Ethereum-based token called the Horizon token, the HRZN symbol. The person holding the token is entitled to a discount for service. They also plan to divide the dividend with the token holders and hold a buyback program with a portion of their profits. The targeted amount for dividend payout is fifteen percent, and about five percent is targeted for the repurchase program. Customers will be able to make payments for services using the HRZN token. Employees can also be paid using tokens. The token is planned to be available for trading on different exchanges as well. Blockchain will also be used by Horizon to offer data storage with integrated blockchain technology. The customer portal will have access to the encrypted decentralized storage.

Solutions Offered

HORIZON uses technology because it is key to expanding net adoption in the region. A 150 Mbps is the speed they are targeting to realize for web services in the region. This will revolutionize the businesses and lives of the region. To unify the development and set up the service as a whole, they need an existing package architecture as well because of the Network infrastructure for support.

ICO Information

A total of 100,000,000 HRZN Tokens will be created for projects where 60,000,000 Tokens are reserved for ICO. But the date for ICO was proclaimed. Funds from ICO are spent on platform events.


Horizon is a modern platform, focusing on the introduction of advanced technology for the existence and development of a comfortable society. The goal of the project is to ensure a stable high-speed internet connection and also with VOIP and cable TV.

Further information:

-Website: http://horizoncomm.co

-Whitepaper: https://www.horizoncomm.co/feast-content/uploads/Horizon-Whitepaper.pdf

-ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2960817

-Twitter: https://twitter.com/HorizonCoin

-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HRZNComm/

-Telegram: https://t.me/HorizonCommICO

My Eth: 0xa36158633d61F5365802Cf0d324De75150d4Ea6b

Rabu, 13 Juni 2018

Worldopoly - Blockchain Based Game Platform

Image result for worldopoly bounty bitcointalk

About Worldopoly

Worldopoly is a real-time multi-player strategy game that implements blockchain and augmented reality into a world building simulation. It provides an attractive economic incentive and gameplay through the application of WPT's own cryptocurrency. Here are 3 great characteristics that make Worldopoly unique in mobile games.

What makes it unique and interesting include:

-You can play in real time;
-Build and buy buildings possible on Google Maps;
-koin own token WPT to familiarize the players with the world of currency-crypto without financial risk.

How to play:
download to phone and list in game;
furthermore we established fixed capital for the acquisition of one street and the building;
all players can interact with each other;
for road / building improvement takes some time (but there are opportunities to speed up the use of your own currency);
as soon as the building is built - starts generating revenue and opens additional functions in the application interface: automated functions, sales opportunities, maintenance or repair of buildings, upgrades and modernization.
players can be neutral, hostile or friendly;
all in-game items can be bought or exchanged at the store / auction.

How does it work

Combining augmented reality, blockade and geography technologies, Worldopoly provides a unique gameplay that extends the limits of today's mobile gaming capabilities. (While in other games, the focus is on augmented reality or buildings, blockades or games.) All of these technologies are intentionally combined together in the form of Worldopoly, and each of them has its own unique purpose in the game. Augmented reality creates a sense of play in the real world, blockages provide increased levels of security, and geo-positioning brings cities around the world to your mobile device.

With the help of Blockchain technology, the game gained transparency and security, allowing you to work through peer-to-peer transactions.
Also this game is the token holder of WPT - the currency in the game at the level of coins and gold. By investing the original money in WPT games, he not only gets gameplay, but also the financial component.

By purchasing WPT tokens during Worldopoly token sales, participants will be able to receive not only in-game resources at a reduced price (compared to the price of the WTP token that will be available after the sale of the Token expires), but also to exchange tokens for real money through an internal auction or stock exchange in the future. This will allow participants to benefit in the early stages of the game while investing less money.

Now a few words about the ICO of this project.
Currently there is a stage of personal selling.
It will be held from 26 February 2018 to 30 March 2018.
Next will be Pre - Sales.
Start date from April 2, 2018 to April 23, 2018.
And the last major stage of Sales.
It will be held from 26 April - 17 May 2018.
Currently, the token price is $ 0.12.
A total of 150,000,000 WPT tokens are planned for sale.
And all tokens are planned to release 200,000,000 WPT tokens.
The maximum goal cost is 18 million dollars.

For more information about this project you can visit the following link;

 Eth: 0xa36158633d61F5365802Cf0d324De75150d4Ea6b


Image result for INS bounty

The INS ecosystem is a fairly ambitious project, trying to revolutionize a sizable portion of the growing wholesale market by changing the current dominant scheme on it from Producers - Consumer - Retailers, to Consumers - INS - Consumer Companies, basically connecting them directly with minimum transactional cost with the best terms for both parties!

The INS ecosystem will become the first global decentralized grocery marketplace whereconsumers can buy products from manufacturers, enjoy low transparent prices for wide range of high quality products, and save on direct promotions. Manufacturers compete for consumers and interact with them directly.

How Does the INS Ecosystem Work?

The ecosystem will be built in accordance with a scalable and decentralized approach that ensures stability and sustainability in the long term. The ecosystem will involve the following participants, which will participate as depicted in the next diagram:

● Platform
● Consumers
● Manufacturers
● Fulfillment (fulfillment center operators and workers, couriers)

INS Ecosystem Limited, incorporated as a BVI company ("INS"), is the official entity that creates the INS tokens, platform and technology. INS is focused on releasing open source cryptographic technologies that enable operation in the INS ecosystem. For the avoidance of doubt, the INS does not provide token holders with any ownership or other interest in INS. Token holdersare not entitled to any guaranteed form of dividends, revenue distributions, and voting rights.To become an ecosystem participant, the user creates an account on the INS platform. During the registration, the system will create a user profile and a wallet. Each participant of the
ecosystem will be provided with a wallet that preserves all data in the decentralized database and interact with other parties, utilizing smart contracts. We plan to place the INS token on cryptographic token exchanges, giving an opportunity to openly buy them (to residents of countries where the purchase of digital tokens does not violate local laws).

After the ICO period, all contributors will receive an exchangeable ERC20 INS tokens on the Ethereum network. Whenever the INS blockchain is launched with its own token mechanism, the ERC20 is token 1. The INS is a core component of the INS ecosystem and is designed to facilitate all kinds of operations that make the token an integral part of the ecosystem and the drivers for its economy. The INS token is fractionally divisible, transferable and fungible. The token balances and transfers will be tracked by INS. In the case of any force majeure, such as large token theft, contract compromise, or a disrupting change of Ethereum protocol, INS may opt to freeze token transfers and issue a new token contract with balances replacing that of the original token registry by certain date . In the case of an Ethereum fork, INS will properly announce which
branch it will support.

Start date: 11:00 AM (GMT) on DECEMBER 4, 2017
Payment methods: BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, USD (bank transfer)
Soft cap: 20,000 ETH
Hard cap: 60,000 ETH
Token exchange rate: 1 ETH = 300 INS tokens
Total token supply (max): 50,000,000
Min purchase: 0.1 ETH

The ultimate goal of the INS Ecosystem is to build a leading edge consumer marketplace that is used by a wide audience by maintaining a growing ecosystem and willing to buy dairy products at a lower cost and distributors looking to offer them directly and beyond the retail market chain.

INS Ecosystem Road Map


INS Team.jpg


Bancor's co-founder, Chief Architect and Head of Product Development. Eyal is a serial entrepreneur, founder of MetaCafe and Contact Networks, outspoken thought
leader on cryptocurrency and the Internet.

Founder and CEO of Transform Group, a PR firm with over 40 successful ICOs.
Co-Founder and Chairman of BitAngels, a digital currency investor group. Founder
and Conference Director at CoinAgenda. Special advisor to the Alphabit Fund

CEO of Keynote, Executive Committee Member at the Global Blockchain Council,
founder at the North American Bitcoin Conference. Moe is a visionary entrepreneur
and a recognized leader in the crypto space

The founder of Wachsman PR, the world's largest blockchain-focused public
relations agency, leading communications for projects such as Dash, Iconomi,
Aragon, Kraken, Lisk, and Kik, amongst many others

The Herbert F. Johnson Professor of International Management at Harvard Business
School and the Director of Harvard's Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies

Co-Founder of Wings, a successful community engagement and smart contract
facilitation platform, one of the few working DAPPS on the Ethereum blockchain.
Vast experience in decentralized solutions and blockchain technology since 2013

Co-Founder of Blackmoon Financial Group ($ 30 million ICO in Sep-2017). One of the
early employees and recently a Vice-President of VK, the leading social network in
Russia with more than 400 million users globally

Co-Founder and CEO of WeTrust.io, a company building financial dApps. Previously
with Google Business Strategy and McKinsey & Co. Stanford University Alum

You can learn more about the INS Ecosystem by visiting these social media links:

- INS telegram group: https://t.me/ins_ecosystem

-Twitter official INS: https://twitter.com/ins_ecosystem

My Eth: 0xa36158633d61F5365802Cf0d324De75150d4Ea6b

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2018



eCoinomic presents a new platform that provides financial services to the Crypto community. Crypto holders can now invest, transfer and change money. They can manage their assets and carry out joint settlements.

Many new platforms arise and carry directly through token exchanges that they spend the same time and can be owned by users who are interested in buying the prescribed time, they can start a token trades that have economic value with The value exchange crypto is relative to other relatively stable that is Ethereum, Bitcoin or other crypto. An example of this platform is ECOINOMIC which is a new platform in the Astraleum ecosystem and based trading platform trade economic decentralization evenly enrolled among the users in the platform.

ECOINOMIC is a new platform to provide to the owners of crypto financial services through: asset investment and asset management, exchange, transfer and billing between the user and the main ECOINOMIC project mitra.Tujuan project, develop market, and improve platform based resources based resources Resource based resources. It offers loan functions, exchanges, transfers, financial management and user integration of services and systems via online payments.

The actual problem:

The trend in the value of the cryptocurrency is not reddish. On the one hand, people need money for business development. The mining hardware needs to be updated from time to time. In this room, the treatments are expensive. On the other hand, the owners of the cryptos concentrate on the administration of their crypto assets. This is based on the expectation that their value will rise in no time. For a day to day, the cost of a loan from a bank is not easy. Crypto Smart people will have little or no track record when it comes to bank accounts. Selling cryptocurrency for withdrawals and repurchases costs too much money. The real problem is that you can not get loans by offering crypto assets as collateral. The financial institutions do not agree.

ECoinomic solution:

In the eCoinomic platform, you can get Fiat loans that keep your crypto assets safe. For crypto owners, they can now receive payments for products and services. People can now buy cryptocurrency as a long-term investment. The eCoinomic platform provides the necessary liquidity to keep the crypto. Investors will benefit greatly from this platform. The smart contract enforces the terms of the loan commitments. This protects the investment of crypto owners and Fiat investors.

Advantages of eCoinomic:

eCoinomic provides multicurrency support in their platforms. Bitcoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin and 10 other cryptocurrencies are supported. USD, EUR and other Fiat currencies are available for loans.

The speed of money transactions on the platform is very impressive. The transaction takes no longer than seven minutes thanks to the integrated means of payment.

Smart contracts are used to provide maximum security and transparency. It defines the modus operandi of functions such as blocking and liquidating collateral.

The price monitoring system is accurate and works in real time.

ECOINOMIC Token (CNC) is an ERC20 utility token based on the Ethereum Blockchain. The purpose of the CNC token is to pay the service fee on the digital eCoinomic platform. Token eCoinomic on the platform will be determined by the market, which based on the exchange rate will CNC + 20%. For example, the service charge for the loan amount $ 10,000 is $ 60, which is reflected in the CNC token. If the price of 1 CNC token equals 1 USD, the cost is 60 CNC tokens. If the price of 1 CNC token is $ 10, the cost is 6 tokens of CNC.

Token sales details

Pre-sales registration of the white employee list: 15.03.2018 Pre-registered pre-sales registration

ends: 03.04.2018
Advance sale development phase: 03.04.2018 development stage
Pre-sales expires: 21.04.2018
The development of Crowdsale begins: 01.05.2018
End of the crowdsale development phase: 01.06.2018
Start the backup phase: 01.06.2018
End of the backup phase: 01.08.2018

Token name: CNC
Token Type: ERC20
Token role: Utility
Hardcap: USD 106,000,000
Softcap: USD 6,000,000
Total Supply Token: Up to 2,100,000,000
Tokens available for sale tokens: Up to 1,550,000,000
Excluded countries: AS *, People's Republic of China (China), Singapore **

KYС procedure is required for all participants Currency obtained in advance: ЕТНAccepted currencies at tokens Turnover: ЕТН, BTC, XRP, BCH, LTC, NEO, XMR, ZEC


The platform will be based on the Ethereum ecosystem. Smart contracts are built with reliability. The main programming language is Python. All registered users who apply for the loan can set loan terms independently of each other: the loan amount and the interest rate. The platform automatically searches for a colleague or recommends a colleague to sign a loan agreement.


 Without a doubt, eCoinomic.net proves that they are experts in the field, having looked at the concept of the project, I am sure that they have carried out extensive research on this topic before embarking on this project. This project will soften the entry into the world, I'm glad they give us the opportunity to be part of the birth of this KING PROJECT. You may have missed the previous phases of token sales, which was a great success, but I urge you not to miss the final phase. You can learn more about this annoying project, team, consultants, partners and connect with other participants around the world by clicking on the links below.


TEAM eCoinomic.net

Additional Information:

My Eth: 0xa36158633d61F5365802Cf0d324De75150d4Ea6b

Selasa, 05 Juni 2018

ApolloChain - Decentralized energy trading platform

Hasil gambar untuk hadiah apollochain

Since the industrial revolution has taken place, the power of large industrial owners has greatly monopolized market regulation. Throughout its history, until now, most people have no right to choose which energy company to use. This is, of course, because there is only one option available, and to control the entire market in its territory.

ApolloChain implements Blockchain 3.0 technology to create its trading platform. Unregulated markets and market-oriented economies around the world, Apollochain can be applied in countries and territories through links and existing resources to create basic users who can become wholesalers, corporate energy buyers or individuals for direct transactions between parties, reduce trading costs centralized and excluding the loss of state value. In this case, the intelligent network with IoT (Internet of Things), Ai (artificial intelligence) and blockcheyn technology are the most important physical foundations to achieve all of these goals (together with Internet Energy)

Smart networks allow you to manage queries and can also be used in a central network by connecting the end user's geographic address closer to each other. In addition, smart meters (Smart Meters) require different settings to get data about energy consumption by consumers and consumption / production. Based on this data, intelligent networking, analyzing the cost of electricity, real-time pricing, power supply schemes, etc., Can reduce the cost of planning and provide consumers with electricity - more reasonable use of electricity.

While in proposed solar energy, according to KPMG research, the new PV power generation capacity will grow by 330% from 111.68 GW in 2012 to 3695.64GW by 2040.

ApolloChain as a direct intermediary

Electricity production through the introduction of renewable energy sources is one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy in the world. By 2016, the total installed capacity of photovoltaic power plants worldwide is over 65 GW with a 32% increase, and capacity accumulation at 300 GW, with an increase of 35%. 2veduschih players in the field of solar energy: US - solar energy market in the US grew by 78% year on year, and China has attracted the current booming solar industry, reaching 30 GW of electricity.
At the same time the price of solar energy production is further reduced due to competition between equipment manufacturers: the normalized weight decreased by 18% in 2016 compared to 2015 with electricity (LCOE) prices, and the rest of the end result at the level of 100 US dollars / MWh. hour The future of the market for fresh energy is still promising. Constant monitoring of KPMG and British Petroleum (BP) studies:

the fresh energy market provides the strongest growth at an annual increase of 6.6%, and total capacity, delivered in 2020, will be doubled. In the picture. 2.1 shows examples of energy consumption worldwide by 2030:

Platform for energy trading Apollochain

As an innovative tool, locking technology is inherently suitable for energy that is distributed in the regulated energy market. Following ongoing reforms in the growing power sector and electricity retail markets, distributed generation as a fast-growing sector requires users to generate and consume participants with deep involvement in sectoral reforms.

This image shows the basic structure of the Apollochain trading platform, which contains transaction levels, advanced levels, and blocks. Renewable energy systems are the basis for transaction levels, while the trading parties include power generation, power systems, distributed power plants, smart homes (home consumers and energy generators) and other renewable energy sources. Each party initiates and completes its energy transactions at this level, after which all relevant data is transferred to the next level, forming an intellectual contract and, ultimately, stored in a locker.

Mental networks allow you to control demand, but still have the opportunity to engage in a centralized network or create a micro-network by including end users who are geographically close to friends. In addition to this, other devices that make sense in mental networks, provide electronic mental counters (still known as smart counters). He urged widespread dissemination to obtain data on energy usage and user usage / usage behavior. Based on the data, the mental network has the ability to lower the cost of planning and ensure more rational use of electricity to consumers, by reporting on electricity costs, real-time prices, electric cutoff schedules, and so on.

ICO ApolloChain

The total number of tokens that have been created is 100,000,000 APL.
The pre-ICO ApolloChain phase runs from 5 May 2018 to 15 June 2018. The minimum goal for this phase is around 500,000 US dollars, and its maximum target is about 1 million US dollars.

The public token sales, ICO Apollochain will be announced later. The minimum target for the ICO phase will be about $ 8 million, and the maximum target of about $ 20 million.
Based on what is written in the technical document, the distribution of the following APL tokens:

-40% Distributed in ICO ApolloChain
-5% for public awards
-20% for PR and marketing
-30% for the constituent team
-5% for Apollo Foundation operations

For tokens allocated for community awards, ApolloChain will release 3% in the first 5 years and the remaining 2% in the next two years. Token will be an incentive for contributors who work to improve ApolloChain technology. ApolloChain will collect revenues from membership fees, license fees, pay-per-use, matchmaking fees, benefit service fees, consulting service revenues, and third-party revenue, which include advertising costs on the platform.






Mitra ApolloChain

Further information :

My Eth: 0xa36158633d61F5365802Cf0d324De75150d4Ea6b